It was the second day of our trip. We got to the Magic Kingdom and were given a time and place to meet up and set free. I took off with my friends and we ran into the Magic Kingdom, wondering where to go first. After lunch, we met up with one of my friend's parents, who was a band mom, and waited in line for Splash Mountain. We waited in line for about a half an hour and were excited to get on the flume ride. We got to the beginning of the ascend to the final drop when the flume broke down. We sat there, catching up with the band moms and chatting and laughing, happy to be spending our February vacation in Disney Land.
A half an hour passed and we began to be restless. "Everybody's Got a Laughing Place" kept playing in the background and we began to sing along to pass the time, interrupted every verse or two by the animatronic vultures saying, "laughing place? I'll show you a laughing place." Then they'd cackle and the song would resume. We began to mimic the vultures as the minutes passed.
It was an hour since the ride had stopped and "Everybody's Got a Laughing Place" was get awfully annoying. Some of us we getting frustrated, others were trying to keep spirits up. I was bursting into fits of giggles, seemingly going mad with the sound of the friggin' song in my ears. The maintenance guys kept walking past and saw the deterioration of our sanity as the song kept playing and playing. Suddenly the sound stopped. One of the maintenance guys walked passed and gave us the thumbs up. "There you go guys!" I almost got out of my log and hugged him.
It turns out that the mind sucks. I could not get "Everybody's Got a Laughing Place" out of my head and occasionally our whole log would erupt into song, singing the song that would surely kill me.
After an hour and a half of being stuck on Splash Mountain, the log jerked and began ascending the giant drop. We cheered and braced ourselves for the rest of the ride. The log jerked and jerked and stopped. Halfway up the ascent. The friggin' thing was stuck again. We groaned and laughed to keep from crying. Thankfully it was fixed in about 5 minutes and we finished the ride..."Everybody's Got a Laughing Place" was stuck in our heads for the rest of the day.