We had been practicing for a while. The drumline is not only the heartbeat of the band, but its ego as well. We were determined to be the best in the band, so we usually came to practice early (not that much more would be done... coming to practice early was a way to get out excess energy so that the boys could focus during the actual practice hours). But on this particular day, we were focused. We had been making good strides and the boys were talking to me (a rare occasion). Suddenly the section leader dropped his sticks and said, "I gotta pee. Group pee guys, take a break." The boys filled in line behind the section leader and began to walk towards the bathroom. One of the bass drummers, seeing that I feel behind, turned and said, "C'mon, it's a group pee." Another guy on the bass line turned and looked at him, laughed, and said, "Dude, she can't come into the guys room."
"Oh yeah...sorry."
I just shook my head and watched them march off together. They came back a minute later, and, determined to make me feel like I was part of the group pee, showed me a picture of all them standing at the urinals. A nice thought, I suppose...they were at least trying to include me.
Hahahahaha! That's wicked funny! I know I've seen a few of my guy friends indulge in similar group pee excursions, but never to quite the scale you witnessed. That's hysterical.
Oh so funny! I was on tech crew for theater so I was with a lot of the guys...their tradition was "droppin' trow" so they would chant then (all together) drop their pants and run in their boxers. I absolutely felt left out, but later declined their offer to join in!
I thought only girls went to the bathroom together...
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