Once again, it was time for MICCA. The music and routine had been learned and rehearsed over and over again, and, although I was still uncomfortable with my drum and the grip it required, I was able to play and make it sound decent. The drumline did the usual Blue Man Group energizer dance, and we put our drums on and went to go warm up. We stood around, waiting for our time to show how hard we had worked all season, so the drumline did its Mission Impossible morale booster. Feeling pretty confident, we went out and did our thing.
We played all three songs, everyone staying in time with one another. I was pleased with myself when it was over...I had played it to the best of my ability. Now came the nerve-wracking process of waiting. We sat on the bleachers watching other bands perform and grew restless, just wanting to see how we did.
Finally, the time came. We all filed on to the football field as the judges called out the school and the scores. The scores had multiple categories: drumline, color guard, routine, music, and band were it I think. Each had the potential for 5 stars, ( a gold medal) but we had never gotten above a 2 overall. The drumline was used to getting 3s. I hoped to God it would be a 3 again for us this year. We braced ourselves, expecting the disappointing marks that didn't seem to reflect the hard work we had put into the season. The announcer called our school. "Drumline, 4 stars." I pumped my fist in the air and couldn't stop smiling. I didn't even hear the rest of our score, I just heard the drumline part and then..."Overall score: a silver medal!" I couldn't believe it. I turned to my friends in the band and we all burst into tears. Finally, 4 stars! And our last MICCA competition too! I all ran onto the field, bombarding our drum majors and directors. A job well done to all! :D
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